Giving & Donations
All accounts are held at Westpac Terrigal.

General Ministry Giving (Tithes) to support the ministry of Grace Community:
BSB 032545
Acc 162532
Charity Giving to Central Coast Outreach Services:
BSB 032545
Acc 207438
If you require a tax deductible receipt you will need to send an email to:
with your name and address and the amount given - receipt will be sent when the gift reconciled to the account.
Cross Cultural Mission Giving:
To support our various overseas missions, please deposit funds as follows;
Bank Name: Westpac
Account Name: Grace Community Baptist Church
BSB: 032545
Acc #: 219770
To support Mercy Village (Pastor Rin) ministering in Cambodia, tag the deposit Sharon B or over the counter 58
To personally support Lynn Johnston ministering in Cambodia, tag the deposit Lynn Johnston or over the counter 2458
To support the Wellspring Initiative in Cambodia, tag the deposit Wellspring or over the counter ???
To support the our church planting and evangelistic work in South East Asia, tag the deposit Church Planters or over the counter 333
To support Chris & Nadine Brittain in their work in South East Asia, tag the deposit Brittains or over the counter 444
To support the work of King of Kings in Uganda, tag the deposit Tayewbas or over the counter 555
To make a contribution to Operation Christmas Child for their shoe box appeal, tag the deposit OCC or over the counter 111
Please note: These gifts are NOT tax deductible
Benevolent Giving
Please Read below.
“All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they had was not their own, so they shared everything they had. The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need.”
Acts 4:32 – 35
We live in a culture where it is frowned upon to talk about how much money we have. Those who don’t have enough seldom mention it, and those who are “comfortable” keep quiet about how much they have.
As Christians though, we are called to stand against our culture where its values are not in line with the Bible.
In Acts we read that the believers had everything in common and no one was in need.
God has blessed us all with different gifts. We are a body. Some of us are strong in some areas while others are strong elsewhere. For us to work as a healthy body we need to use our gifts to serve each other.
The same is true in how we use our time. Some are called to minister in the workforce and God blesses those people with incomes. God asks others to use their time in other ways. We are all quite comfortable with the church paying Jewel and Tony to minister to us, but what about those God calls out of the workforce for other reasons. If we have enough then we need to share with those who don’t. We are called as part of a kingdom in service to the king and what we have is not our own, but His.
There are those among us who are in need for other reasons. Some people in our church may not be in a position to work for one reason or another, or may not be able to get a job; and one off gifts for a washing machine or electricity bill are not enough. They need ongoing financial assistance like the widows did during the time of the early church.
We are the family of God and we need to act like it. The world will know Jesus by our love for one another. This doesn’t mean just smiling and giving each other a kiss on the cheek on Sunday morning. It means love in action. If we allow our brothers and sisters to be constantly struggling financially then we are not loving in action.
I would love to see our church become a place where we are so intimately involved in each other’s lives that we talk freely about money and share accordingly, but until then we have
Central Coast Outreach Services : BSB 032545 Acc 207438
Let's give generously and regularly so that we will be strengthened as a body and there will be no hardship among us.
This is a tax deductible Fund so if you want a receipt for your gift you’ll need to email your name, address and the amount given to: